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Top Tips to Save Money On House Removal Costs

Moving house is an expensive endeavour if you are not prepared to do so. You need to look for ways to save yourself time and money, and one prime place to do it is house removal costs.

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Written by Liz
Updated 1 week ago
Save Money On House Removals

Moving house is an expensive endeavour if you are not prepared to do so. You need to look for ways to save yourself time and money, and one prime place to do it is house removal costs.

Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to move house. It can be done pretty cheaply, but you need to know how to do it. From your interactions with emoval companies to your every day planning, it’s important to move house in the most cost-effective way possible. Let’s take a look at how that would be achieved.

Plan Ahead

The best thing that you can do when it comes to trying to move house and the cheapest way possible is planning in advance. If you leave everything to the last minute, and then try to move house, it’s going to cost you a lot more.

Try and have a budget that you will set yourself. This helps you when negotiating with companies and shopping around to find a provider that works for you. It also means that you don’t have any surprise costs afterwards.

Make sure you have planned access for the removal companies. Take a look at your property and make sure there is parking available. It’s important to have this all figured out in advance of moving day.

Save Money on Materials

It is probably a good idea to keep packing materials when you get them. If you order something online, and it comes with a box and bubble wrap, then hang onto those packing materials. This will help a lot when saving money.

You probably won’t think about the importance of packing materials when planning the moving process, but it’s actually quite important. At the end of the day, you should be able to pack for as little as possible.

Avoid Busy Moving Days

If you want to save some money and keep the cost of moving down, then it’s a good idea to pick the right day to move house. A bank holiday or in the summer is often a pretty popular day to move. Because there is increased demand for the services of removal companies, they can afford to put the price up. If you want to circumvent this, pick a weekday, because this is the cheapest day to move on average.

Split Responsibilities Up

You might think that when it comes to moving house, you need a moving company to do all of it, but this is not the case. Sometimes if you want to save money when moving, you should split the responsibilities up a little.

If you get removal quotes for some of the big stuff that you can’t move yourself, and then delegate the other responsibilities to friends and family who are prepared to help, then you can cut costs. It’s important to remember that just because you can get a moving company to do everything for you, this doesn’t mean that you should. Things like packing services are just extra ways to spend money.

De-clutter Your Home

The best thing that you can do if you want to try and save money when moving is to declutter. Take a look at everything that you own, and decide if realistically everything has to come with you. This could be a good opportunity to clear out that you’ve been putting off.

If you do decide to de-clutter your home, don’t just throw things away. You should make sure that you recycle and resell what you don’t need, because this can bring in a bit of extra money for moving costs, or put the items back in circulation where they can be used again. Just throwing things away in bulk is very wasteful and bad for the environment.

Dismantle and Pack Carefully

If you want to get the best out of your experiences, when it comes to packing and moving house, then make sure to take some time packing things in carefully. If you throw items into the back of a removal van with no care, then you won’t have as much space available.

Instead, pack up all of your items carefully, and put them in the correct space. Put things in boxes, and dismantle bigger pieces of furniture that are often badly shaped. If you do this, then you make a lot more room, and it’s easier for packing.


Insurance is a key consideration for any person who wishes to move house in an effective and safe manner. Many removal companies hold both Public Liability and Goods in Transit insurance, which protects you from every eventuality.

It is important to ask what insurance your chosen removals company has in their possession before committing to their services. It will save costs in the long run if an expensive item you own is damaged in transit.

Final Thoughts

It should be clear to us now that when it comes to moving house, there are many steps one can take to cut expenditure and keep costs down. Typically, the aim of a good removal company is to transfer your belongings from one place to another in the most effective way possible. However, this aim does not account for cost therefore it is your job, as the customer, to take whatever money saving measures you can find.

If you wish to ensure the success of a house moving, and do not wish to spend a fortune, then you would be wise to shop around and compare man and van prices online. Find My Man and Van, for example, is happy to provide you with no-obligation quotes - these are very helpful for information-gathering and require zero risk on your part.

Always make sure to plan well ahead if you wish to move house - the removal company industry is designed to benefit those who cooperate with it most fully. If you commit to being communicative and to working with the company, then your experience is far more enjoyable and less costly.